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organized into state farms and collective farms

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Q: Under the Soviet system farmland was?
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What person imposed totalitarian rule over the soviet union in the early twentieth century?

Lenin was the first leader of the Soviet Union and under him the totalitarian system was established.

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Does Swift still make hard salami?

Swift is now made under the Farmland brand. Farmland hard salami is the same as the Swift.

What was the economy like under the soviet union?

The economy under the Soviet Union was under various degrees of disaster.

What was a Russian Gulag?

Gulag refers to vast system of labour camps which was created in the Soviet Union under Joseph Stalin.

What is crop land or farmland?

Farmland is land that is under cultivation to grow food crops, or land on which to breed animals for meat, milk, wool, leather, etc.

How do you expand farmland on zombie farm?

If you go to the market you can find it under items

Soviet Socialist Republics established?

Under communism and Lenin in 1917, under the title Soviet Socialistic Republics in 1922.

Why is rainforest is under threat?

People are cutting down the rain forests for farmland and money.

Who owns farmland under collectivism?

The collective, and as the collective was controlled by the state, ultimately the state.

What was the most important factor in making mesopotamias farmland fertile?

The most important factor of making Mesopotamia's farmland fertile was water.