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It is False that high pressure areas on weather maps are in circles formed by isotherms.

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Q: True or false high pressure areas on weather maps are in circle formed by isotherms?
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Wind is caused by differences in air pressure from place to place. If you look at a weather forecast map, you should see lines of equal pressure, these are called isobars. If you see a large area of equal pressure, the winds in that area will be light, this is called an anticyclone. If you see an area with the isobars close together there will be strong winds there. In extreme cases usually in tropical areas where there is a high amount of power from the sun, the isobars will form a circle with a very low pressure in the centre, and a hurricane will be formed.

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A circle

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A circle is not formed from line segments.

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Marble is a metamorphic rock so it was formed by heat and pressure. :)