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Q: True or false The World Health Organization defines health in terms of physical mental and social well-being?
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What is the usual definition of Health?

The usual definition of health is a person's mental, emotional or physical condition. The World Health Organization defines it as a state of social, mental and physical well being.

What health according to world health organization?

WHO defines health as 'the complete physical, mental and social well being of a person and it is not just an absence of disease or infirmity'.

What does the health organistaion defines health as?

According to the World Health Organization, health is defined as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.

How does internalizing feelings affect mental health?

internalising feelings lead to stress and depression which inturn affect our physical, social and mental wellbeing of individuals. Mental health is a state of physical, mental and social wellbeing not just the absence of disease.

True or false is the World Health Organization defines health in terms of physicalmentaland sociable well being?


What is the basic definition of health?

health is defined as the physical , mental and social wellbeing of a person and not merely the absence of any disease or infirmity.Type your answer here...

What's the definition for health by the World Health Organisation?

The World Health Organization's definition of health was formulated and agreed too by member countries of the WHO in 1946. Rather than defining health in the negative, i.e. an absence of disease or infirmity, the WHO defines health positively as the presence of complete physical, mental and social well being.

How many types of impaired vision are there?

The World Health Organization (WHO) defines impaired vision in five categories:

What are the four aspect of hauora?

I'm not sure why this question ended up in the "Motorcycles" category, but what the hey. According to Wikipedia, the Hauora is a Maori philosophy of health and well being unique to New Zealand.There are four dimensions of Hauora; Taha Tinana(Physical Wellbeing - health), Taha Hinengaro (Mental & Emotional wellbeing - self-confidence), Taha Whanau (Social Wellbeing - self-esteem) and Taha Wairua (Spiritual wellbeing - personal beliefs) There is physical, emotional/mental, social and spiritual caring.

A combination of your physical mental and social well-being defines what?

Having a physical, mental and social well being is the definition of being a healthy person.

Which description best defines health?

maintaining a balance of physical, mental/emotional, and social well-being

Health is a combination of what?

Health is a combination of physical, mental, and social well-being. It encompasses all aspects of life, including physical fitness, mental health, emotional well-being, social connections, and overall quality of life. Achieving and maintaining good health requires a holistic approach that addresses each of these areas, and involves regular exercise, healthy eating habits, stress management, positive social relationships, and access to healthcare when needed.