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Q: Transferring messages from a motor neuron to a leg muscle requires the neurotransmitter known as?
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What neurotransmitter stimulates skeletal muscle contractions?


What neurotransmitter causes muscle movement?


Neurotransmitter used to cause muscle contraction?

A neurotransmitter that causes muscle movement is called Acetylcholine. Acetycholine acts as on both the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system.

What is the substance released at axon terminals?

The substance that is released at an axonal ending to propagate the nerve impulse to the next nerve or muscle is called

What is the function of the neuromuscular junction is to?

Includes the axon terminal of a motor neuron plus the motor end plate of a muscle fiber. Is where the axons of motor nerves meet the muscle & transmit messages from the brain which cause the muscle to contract & relax.

What is acetylcholinesterace?

Acetylcholinesterase, also known as AChE, is an enzyme which is critical to the function of animals from ants to elephants. This enzyme's sole responsibility is to break down the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. Acetylcholine sends messages between nerves, signaling muscle contractions. If the neurotransmitter was not broken down after it had served its function, the muscle involved would not be able to relax, and this could create spasms, paralysis, and other problems.

What neurotransmitter neuron to muscle cell?

sensory neurones

What neurotransmitter between muscle cells and the nervous system cells is?


What Neurotransmitter that activates skeletal muscle fibers?

Acetal Choline (ACh)

What do muscle nerves do?

muscle nerves carry messages from the brain to tell the muscle to contract.

What kinds of compounds in the body transmit impulses between nerve and muscle cells?

a Neurotransmitter

Neurotransmitter acetylcholine has a major role in what behavioral function?

Muscle Movement Cognitive functioning