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Q: To what extent did the decade of the 1950's deserve its reputation as an age of political social and cultural conformity?
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no they don't because insects are just being themselves

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no they just mistake you for a seal or something they eat!!

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the mongols deserve both, they did do what they thought was right in their mind but then again they did very bad things. my mom has a friend in the mongol klan, he told me alot of things and from what i hear, they were good and bad.

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In a political speech- Error does not deserve Parity with Truth! he then ranted on and on with comments many deemed anti-Semitic.

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Elizabeth 1 presided over a time of great expansion and upheaval. Henry VIII had broken with the Church of Rome, Catholics had been persecuted and Church property destroyed. Henry's actions have been compared to Mao Zadong's Cultural Revolution. Elizabeth brought some stability to English society and expanded England's social and political power. Her use of piracy against her Spanish enemies can be seen as State-approved aggression outside of the common rules of war. Elizabeth also pursued her perceived enemies, using spies, torture and barbaric executions against some of them.

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meritare = to deserve

Egalitarian in a sentence?

As an Egalitarian, the man was accepting of all nationalities, political affiliations, religions, and sexes. An Egalitarian believes that all people are equal and deserve equal opportunities.