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Which of the following are included in your textbook as guidelines for ethical speechmaking

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1mo ago
  1. Demonstrating active listening by maintaining eye contact and nodding.
  2. Avoiding interruptions while the speaker is talking.
  3. Being open-minded and respectful towards the speaker's viewpoints.
  4. Providing constructive feedback if needed in a supportive manner.
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Q: The guidelines for ethical listening in a public speaking situation include?
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They don't, they merely sooth the consciousness of politicians.

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Where do we get our own personal ethical guidelines beliefs structures from?

Our Parents Not only do we get our ethical guidelines from our parents but from our life experiences. We learn the importance of integrity and honesty from our parents however it is reinforced through our life experiencing and our beliefs.

What is ethical framework?

A set of one or more ethical guidelines, which are designed to be applied together to make an ethical decision e.g. the ACM Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct.

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A rhetorical question