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The South looked at slavery as an economic issue. The North viewed slavery as a moral issue. In the North, slavery was proving to be unprofitable in the North and was dying out by the end of the American Revolution, but in the South white Southerners were increasingly more defensive of slavery.

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Q: The South looked at slavery as an economic issue The North viewed slavery as what kind of issue?
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The south looked at slavery as an economic issue. The North viewed slavery as what kind of issue?

The South looked at slavery as an economic issue. The North viewed slavery as a moral issue. In the North, slavery was proving to be unprofitable in the North and was dying out by the end of the American Revolution, but in the South white Southerners were increasingly more defensive of slavery.

The North viewed slavery as what kind of issue?


In the north where slaves were not an important part of the economy slavery was viewed as what?

a necessary evil

How did the north view tarrifs?

They viewed them as useful. They helped with trade and both the north and south argued about slavery towards them

How does the north feel about slavery?

The North generally opposed slavery due to beliefs in equality and human rights, leading to the abolitionist movement and eventual Civil War fought primarily over the issue of slavery. The North viewed slavery as morally wrong and incompatible with the principles of freedom and democracy.

What were the economic and religious reasons that the south thought it was okay and the north did not?

Slavery was a big issue between the north and the south.

What economic conflict of interest developed between the North and the South in the early 1800?

The extintion of slavery.

How did the union and the confederacy view slavery?

The union viewed slavery as a huge problem that threatened America. Every time there was a dispute between the North and the South, one of them threatened to split from the union.

Why was slavery an economic concern for the north and south?

The North was afraid the South would use slave labor for industrialization and destroy Northern business

Why did the English help the north after the emansipation proclomation?

They didn't help the North. They had simply been shamed out of helping the South, because they would have looked pro-slavery themselves.

Did the north want slavery?

No. North wanted to end slavery and south wanted slavery

Did the north fight for slavery?

the north did. the south had slavery, the north did not.