The item duplication glitch (or Rare Candy glitch) can't be done in Pokemon FireRed version.
how to get 99 rare candy
The answer is use Pokemon fire red cheats.
You can't buy rare candies in fire red. You can only find them, if you don't use cheats.
well u can either trade with friends ALOT or hack
You can't buy rare candy in fire red. You can find them all over the region though.
how to get 99 rare candy
The answer is use Pokemon fire red cheats.
why cheat? your wasting money and missing out on a good game. but if you already beat it just go buy an action replay.
only by cheat code or game shark
if you want to get 999 rare candies you need to get a gameshark.
Give him rare candy. And battle against fire pokemon.
a44afb0b687970 for rare candy]
You can't buy rare candies in fire red. You can only find them, if you don't use cheats.
well u can either trade with friends ALOT or hack
GameShark SP, probably for Pokemon FireRed/LeafGreen
get a ditto and than erase it then after you have gotten mewtwo trade it to fire red then trade back and you will have 16 rare candys
You can't buy rare candy in fire red. You can find them all over the region though.