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Atomic Number 6 on the Periodic Table is Carbon (C). It has a mass of 12.011g/mol.

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Q: Number 6 in the periodic table of the elements?
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How many elements make up period 6 in the periodic table?

There are 32 elements in the 6th period of the periodic table.

What does NaCN stand for on the periodic table?

NaCN stands for sodium cyanide. This is a compound and is not found on the periodic table as such. Periodic table is an arrangement of elements and not compounds. NaCN contains three elements: Sodium (Na, atomic number 11), carbon (C, atomic number 6) and nitrogen (atomic number 7).

How many elements are in group 16 of the periodic table?

there are five element in group 16 of the periodic table

How many elements are found in the periodic table of elements?

There are a total of 118 elements known to exist on the periodic table.

What does group 16 on the periodic table of elements have the same number of?

Group 16 elements have same number of valence electrons i.e. 6 . It has charge of 2-.

Whats the number of protons for all the periodic elements?

The atomic number of an element tells you how many protons it has. For example: Hydrogen is number one on the table, atomic number 1, therefore it has just 1 proton. Carbon is number 6 on the periodic table, atomic number 6, number of protons = 6

Who pot gold on the periodic table of elements?

Gold has the atomic number 79; group 11, period 6.

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The element with atomic number 99 on the Periodic Table is Einsteinium. It has the symbol Es and has 6 electron shells. It is synthetic and therefore man-made.

what elements make up the table of elements?

Steel is an alloy (mixture) of Iron and Carbon. Iron is the element abbreviabed as Fe on the Periodic Table (number 26), while Carbon is abbreviated as C (number 6).

How many elements are in included in the modern periodic table?

112 elements are known, with the existence of addition 6 elements being tentatively proposed.

Where is platinum on the periodic table of elements?

group 10, period 6

What is zinc classification on the periodic table?

* Name: Zinc * Symbol: Zn * Atomic number: 30 * Atomic weight: 65.409 (4) * Group in periodic table: 12 * Period in periodic table: 4 * Block in periodic table: d-block