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Q: Most of the Allied attacks on Germany were by?
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What did Germany agree to do to end the allied attack?

all of the above

Why did the allied powers enact demilitarization plans in Germany and japan?

To prevent either country from staging more attacks.

Why did the Allied Powers enact demilitarization plans in both germany and japan?

To prevent either country from staging more attacks.

Who were the allied forces against Germany?

The allied forces were Britain, USA, and USSR for the most part.

Which country were allied with Germany and England?

Germany has never been allied with England.

When was Allied-occupied Germany created?

Allied-occupied Germany was created in 1945.

Why did Allied Force got involved with World War 2?

Because, Britain and France (Member of the Allied Forces) promised Poland if Germany invaded it, they would declare war onto Germany. The USSR wasn't at war with Germany until June 1941, when Hitler invaded the USSR. The US was declared war by Germany after the attacks onto Pearl Harbor (December 1941).

Why did German U- Boats attack neutral ships?

Some attacks were mistaken identity. Some attacks were because the ships were sailing in an Allied Convoy. Some attacks were because the ships were armed and Germany considered them as auxiliary warships. Some attacks were because the British were beleived to be flying neutral flags on their ships to trick the U-Boats. Some attacks were because the neutral was in Allied waters and the U-Boat Captain felt the ship was trading with the allies.

Did Germany lead the most attacks during World War 2?

Yes, Hitler and the Nazis took part in and plannedd most of the attacks in World War II.

Where did the allied nations begin their advances into Germany?

in Germany

Targets of the allied attacks were mostly?

factories and oil refineries

What caused the U.S. opinion to be against Germany?

Most likely the attacks by Germany (in either world war) against American civilians and American shipping in the Atlantic Ocean.