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vicente lalucin

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Rodolfo A. Villarin

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Q: List of name of world war 2 veterans in the Philippines?
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List all the name of the city at Philippines?

phippines all Dristric Name

Name the islands in the Philippines?

There are literally thousands of named islands in the Philippines - too many to list here.

Why was the named changed to Veterans Day in 1956?

The name of the veterans holiday of November 11 was originally called Armistice Day. It was a remembrance of World War I. However, in light of World War II and other wars, the name was changed to honor veterans of all time.

What happened to ABM medical missionary and CBI mobile army surgeon doctor Gordon Seagrave after World War 2?

A man by the name of Tom who is a CBI veteran runs a list serve for CBI veterans, if you write to him at he will ask your question on the list serve and maybe someone knows the answer.

Where did the name Veterans day come from?

Veterans' Day got its name in Washington D.C in front of the White House.

What was the name of the education bill passed by the US Congress after World War 11 specifically for veterans?

Commonly called the "G.I Bill," this program provided tuition assistance to returning WWII veterans.

What is name of largest sea in the world located between Vietnam and Philippines?

The sea located between Vietname and the Philippines is the South China Sea.

List of plants found in the Philippines?

The Narra is the Philippines' national tree.Specifically, the tree's scientific name is Pterocarpus indicus. Other common names include New Guinea rosewood. The bloom time is February to May in the Philippines.

Which president officially changed the name of the holiday to Veterans Day?

No president officially changed it, some loser in the streets decided Veteran's day was cool name and changed it. Then it spread and soon losers all over the world were calling it Veterans day!

NAMES of company iso 9000 certified in the Philippines?

The name of one ISO 9000 certified company in the Philippines is Kraft Philippines. Another company in the Philippines that is ISO 9000 certified is Kraft Philippines.

What is a name of the Philippines?

The full official name is the Republic of the Philippines.

What is the second name of the Philippines?

The Republic of the Philippines is the official second name of the country.