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The traditional "cup" that we measure with isliquid measure. We measure dry ingredients in it, too, and recipes are "calibrated" for that measurement. In that light, there is no "dry" cup. A cup is a volume measure. And volume is how we often measure liquids. Dry ingredients vary in density, and are sometimes measured by weight, but a scale is not something every kitchen has. That left the suppliers who want those of us without scales to use their product to set up their recipes so dry ingredients are measured with the standard "cup" measure. You can see that a cup of granulated sugar weighs less than a cup of powdered sugar because the powder packs more tightly. And when you start looking at a cup of nuts or a cup of lentils, things get, um, quirky in a hurry. Lots of references tell us to weigh our dry ingredients. In the best baking recipes of Europe, flour is added by weight and not volume. This increases the accuracy of measurement and consistency in the end product of the baking process. Many bakers of fine pastry wouldn't consider a volume measurement for dry ingredients, except perhaps baking powder, baking soda, or like ingredients that are added in small quantity.

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the function of it is to measure all the liquid ingredients

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a gratuated cylinder in which you measure the volume of a liquid(volume same as mass)

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They are calibrated to water.