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No. Muscle tone is the tension between antagonistic muscle groups. The way to increase it is to strengthen both muscle groups. Just tensing stomach muscles will not make them stronger-anymore than curling a pencil will make your biceps stronger. To get stronger, you must work, in other words, move a certain weight a certain distance in a certain time. That is resistance training-and simply tensing muscles is not using resistance to strengthen them.

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Q: Is tensing your stomach muscles a good way to tone up?
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Why is your stomach getting bigger with sit ups?

Sit ups do not burn stomach fat. Sit ups build and tone stomach muscles.

Do pushups equals flat stomach?

A good diet + exercise = flat stomach So while push ups can help in making a flat stomach, which in fact is just low body fat, it will be useless if proper nutrition and other exercise, ex. weightlifting and cardio, is not utilized.

How can you tone your lower abs?

Lower abs can get toner with exercise. Doing crunches or sit ups on a daily basis can tone the stomach muscles.

Besides doing sit ups, what are some other exercises to lose stomach fat and tone stomach muscles for middle aged women?

Another good exercise to tone your abs is crunches. However, you should also include other types of exercises such as walking or jogging.

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A back bridge exercise is done to help strengthen the back muscles. It can also help tone the muscles in your stomach.

How do you lose your stomach without doing sit ups?

Sit ups tone muscles, but you can lose some of your stomach just by weight loss. If you still need to tone up, just try contracting your stomach muscles when you're sitting down. Try to contract them for as long as you can; you should see an improvement after a week.

Can you give me some good examples of exercises to flatten my stomach that do not hurt my back?

Situps, crunches and abdominal curls help tone stomach muscles and flatten stomachs. Overall fat loss depends on a sensible diet and exercise regime.

Is it possible to target and lose stomach fat?

Not really. It is possible to tone muscles in the stomach area while losing fat overall. This will result in a better looking stomach and, eventually, six-pack-abs.

Can some one give me advice on how to lose your stomach?

For men, this is the hardest part of weight loss. Stomach fat goes on first, and since the skin over the muscles is thin there, it appears to come off last. Further, even when the fat is gone, the muscles must be in good tone for the stomach to appear flat. The upshot of all this? You need to hit your ideal weight and exercise those abs regularly.

What are the benefits of the ab lounger?

The Ab Lounge provides exercise for the upper an lower abdominals and also the oblique muscles of the stomach area. It can be used to strengthen these muscles to improve muscle tone and definition.

Is hypertonia a condition of diminished tone of skeletal muscles?

No, hypertonia means increased tone of skeletal muscles. Hypotonia means decreased tone.

Why do elderly people rock backwards and forward?

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