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The synaptic knob contains vesicles filled with neurotransmitters. Therefore, Acetylcholine is the neurotransmitter that stimulates skeletal muscle to contract. It is released into the synaptic clefts between motor neuron axons and motor end plates.

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Q: Is it the synaptic cleft that contains vesicles filled with acetylcholine?
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Why is it that the electrical impulse cannot pass from neuron the muscle cell?

There is a space (synapsis) between the neuron and the muscle cell. The electrical impulse can not pass over that. Chemical neurotransmitters are manufactured by neurons in the soma, then stored in little bundles called synaptic vesicles and transferred to the synapses. The release of the neurotransmitter is required for a nerve to simulate the muscle. This is what crosses the space.

What is the function of synaptic knob of axon terminal?

"When a nerve impulse reaches the synaptic knob at the end of an axon, synaptic vesicles release a neurotransmitter that diffuses across the synaptic cleft and binds to specific receptors on the postsyanptic membrane" Above From:Hole's essentials of Human Anatomy & Physiology (tenth edition) page=220, figure9.9 Quick definition of the "Synaptic knob- Tiny enlargement at the end of an axon that secretes a neurotransmitter." Above From: Same book as before (Hole's essentials of Human...) page= 584 (Glossary)

A concept map demonstrating the events of neurotransmitter?

Action potential reaches the action terminal of a nerve cell. This triggers calcium gated ion channels in the axon terminal to open, calcium rushes in. This causes vesicles filled with neurotransmitter to fuse to the membrane and dump the neurotransmitter into the synaptic cleft by exocytosis.

How do you use the word vesicles used in a sentence?

A vesicle is a small fluid-filled sac.

Transport membranes and products to various locations in cell?

Vesicles transports membranes and products to various locations. It has a membrane bound sac that contains materials. A fluid filled organelle that stores enzymes or water is a vacuole.

What organelle in the cell produces vesicles?

A vesicle is a fluid-filled cavity or an air-filled sac. The processes of budding and endocytosis produce vesicles. These processes involve the folding of the cell membrane over itself to make a pouch.

What separates axon terminals?

The fluid filled space that separates axon terminals are called what

What is the medical term meaning vesicle?

'vesicles' IS the medical term for small fluid-filled sacs or cysts, such as a blister.

The fluid-filled space between the synaptic knob of one cell and the dendrites of the next cell is called the?

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What does vesicles mean?

pinocytosis is the part of the brain that transports large molecules. Vesicle means large hollow spaces that are filled by cerebrospinalfluid.