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Q: Is ice crystals forming on window exothermic reaction?
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What are window valance ideas?

Window valences are decorative presentations of a home window. Generally, they are designed with a couch in the middle and the window spans over in a decorative and inviting presentation.

When the temperature fall water vapor can Change into?

When water vapour cools sufficiently, it can form liquid water. This is called condensation. If it is cooled below zero degrees Celsius it can form ice. This is also condensation. An example of the first one is droplets of water forming on a cold window, and an example of the second is frost.

Is it better for a plant that needs direct sun light to be put in front of a translucent or transparent window?

it needs usually a transparent window because the window traps the light.

A boy is throwing a stone at a girl's window 3m high 10 meters from the house If the stone is thrown at 15ms at an angle of 31 degrees to the ground will he hit the window?

We need 1 more piece of information, the size of the window. I will be treating the window as 1 m tall. So the window is 2.5 meters off the throwing plane (the bottom of the window) to 3.5 meters off the throwing plane (top of the window). I am also assuming that the window's height is based on how high it is above the throwing plane of your arm (if that is the height off the ground, we also need to know how tall you are). The rock will hit 2.676 meters above the throwing plane so it will hit the bottom portion of the window (as seeing as the window goes from 2.5 meters to 3.5 meters).

What are some natural window cleaning solutions?

I want to teach my children about window cleaning but I prefer them to only use natural cleaning products. Where can I find window cleaning solution recipes?

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ice crystals forming on a window a chemical change?


What kind of marijuana has little crystals like tiny window panes on it?

The good kind. The more crystals, the better. The crystals are what get you high I believe

Are ice crystals forming on a window physical changes?


Is closing a window an involuntary reaction?

no it is a response

What rhymes with lost but It covers a window?

Frost is a word that rhymes with lost and can cover a window, referring to a layer of ice crystals that form on a cold surface.

Can you relate exothermic and endothermic reactions to the making and breaking of bonds?

Bond breaking is endothermic, which means it takes energy. An example would be breaking a window. Bond making is exothermic, which means it releases energy. An example would be burning a substance.

How would you make a salt?

Take sea water and put it in a window for some days.You will see salt crystals appear.

When you breathe on a window and your air condenses on the window is the liquid that was condensed saliva or water?

basically its water because it has the nearest chemical reaction to it but saliva is the nearest chemical reaction to blood but if you bleed on something and wait for it to dry it condenses more into saliva

When water vapor form liquid water droplet on window in the early morning this is an example of?

Condensation. This is gas molecules forming in their liquid state.

When water vapors form liquid water droplets in a window in the early morning this is an example of?

Condensation. This is gas molecules forming in their liquid state.

How do you use the word kaleidoscope in a sentence?

Times Square at night is a glittering kaleidoscope of lights and colors. The ice crystals on his window made a kaleidoscope of colors in the sun.

How come when you get an allergic reaction your eyes puff?

They say the eye is the window to the soul, and with that it is the window to the body. With the high vascular supply of the eye it would show the inflammatory response in the blood.