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Cracking of petroleum is a chemical process.

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Q: Is cracking of petroluem fraction a physical or chemical change?
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Is cracking eggs physical or chemical?

It is physical, as no reaction happens when a shell is cracked.

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It is a chemical change as it releases gases into the air.

Is cracking of petroleum fractions a chemical or physical change?

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Is cracking eggs a chemial change?

Cracking an egg is a physical change, not a chemical change.

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It is a physical change because the chemical composition of the glass does not change.

Is a patio cracking a physical or chemical change?

It's a physical change. Anytime you change the shape or appearance it is physical.

Is breaking a glass beaker chemical or physical?

Breaking, grinding, cracking are all examples of a physical change. The nature of the substance has not changed, just the size of the pieces has changed.

Is cracking eggs a physical or a chemical change?

physical change since the egg and the contents inside do not become a new substance they remain the same only thing is that the shape or the appearance or the physical structure changes that is why it is called as a physical change not chemical because its internal composition is the same

Is scrambling an egg a physical or chemical change?

Scrambling an egg is a chemical change. You can tell because chemical changes are irreversible, you cannot change the cooked egg back to a raw egg.

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Is cracking an egg open a chemical or physical change?

see, cracking an egg open is cetrainly a physical change since the egg and the contents inside do not become a new substance they remain the same only thing is that the shape or the appearance or the physical structure changes that is why it is called as a physical change not chemical because its internal composition is the same to explain u better see , when u burn a paper, it turns into ashes n does not remain the same thing it earlier was, its composition changes, for this reason it is a chemical change. hope this info helps ,luck ,bye rutba