"As Alkali is not an acid but a substance with which an acid reacts to form salt + water, Yes, cola is an acid." -Previous answer Cola is an acid because of the carbonate ions in the cola itself that makes it acidic, the carbon dioxide is what makes the drink fizz........
The acid present in Coca-Cola is phosphoric acid.
Coca-Cola, along with all sodas, is in itself an acid.
Coca cola has citric acid
Coca Cola is an acidic beverage.
No, there is no sulfuric acid in Coca-Cola. Coca-Cola contains carbonic acid, which gives it its slight acidity, but not sulfuric acid.
phosphoric acid
There is 3 oz. of citric acid in 10 gallons of coke
Yes, Coca-Cola contains phosphoric acid, which gives it a tangy flavor and helps preserve the drink.
Coca Cola