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All rain and surface water absorbs carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

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Q: Is carbon dioxide in rain water?
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Does rain absorb carbon dioxide?

yes it does as the rain takes in the carbon dioxide

What do industries pump into the atmosphere to affect rain water?

Carbon Dioxide (CO2) and Sulfer Dioxide (SO2) both of which form acids when mixed with rain water.

What compound does not dissolve in water and caused acid rain?

the answer would have to be carbon dioxide

Why Is Normal Rain Water Slightly Acidic?

Normal rain water is slightly acidic due to dissolved carbonic acid. Rainwater absorbs carbon dioxide from the air, leading to its slight acidity. When additional carbon dioxide or sulphur dioxide is released into the air, it is absorbed into clouds and makes rain more acidic.

Which compounds does not dissolve in water and cause acid rain?

Compounds or elements that don't dissolve in rain and make it acidic: Nonpolar molecules, such as those found in grease or oil, do not dissolve in water.

Carbonic acid forms when carbon dioxide is?

Dissolved in water, e/g/ atmospheric CO2 into rain-water.

The agents of chemical weathering?

Water oxygen carbon dioxide living organisms acid rain

What are agents of chemical weathering?

water, oxygen, carbon dioxide, living organisms, and acid rain.

Is there any metal or gas which absorbs carbon dioxide and nitrogen gas?

Mother nature has a way of absorbing carbon dioxide. It's called rain. Rain water combines with carbon dioxide to make carbolic acid. The carbolic acid falls to the earth and combines with rock and dirt to make a soft rock. People down wind of large smokestacks have a problem with the acid rain. Too much acid rain will kill trees. Planet earth does not get enough rain to remove the increasing amounts of carbon dioxide we are putting into the atmosphere. The carbon dioxide we are making adds to the problem of global warming.   I have wondered if putting water sprayers into our smokestacks will remove the carbon dioxide making acid water. That acid water can be mixed with soil to make soft rock. The soft rock can be used for landfill. Perhaps we can remove carbon dioxide in our smokestacks before it gets into our atmosphere in this way?

Is Acid rain created when water vapor in the atmosphere absorbs carbon dioxide?

Acid rain is caused by emissions of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides, which react with the water molecules in the atmosphere to produce acids.

Acid rain is a product of carbon dioxide and rain.?


In a solution of carbon dioxide in water a soft drink the carbon dioxide is the solute?

The carbon dioxide is a solute in a solution of carbon dioxide in water in a soft drink.