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Alcohol is considered all three. It is poisonous, recreational, a drug and a beverage.

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poisonous drug

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Recreational Drug.

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Q: Alcohol is considered a A Poisonous drug B Recreational drug C Recreational beverage?
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Related questions

Is alcohol considered a poisonous drug recreation drug or a recreational beverage?

Alcohol is considered all three. It is poisonous, recreational, a drug and a beverage.

Is alcohol considered a recreational beverage?

Alcohol is, among other things, a recreational beverage. However, it also has use in religious ceremonies, providing energy and nutrition, and other functions.

Is alcohol a recreational drug or a poisonous drug?

Recreational Drug.

What is alcohol considered?

It is considered a recreational drug when being cold. Or a downer, when speaking of it's drug category.

Who considered a minor under the Texas alcohol beverage code?

For purposes of the Texas Alcohol and Beverage code, anyone under 21 is a minor.

When is a beverage considered alcohol?

When there is the absence of alcohol. Soda pop, tea, coffee, fruit juices and water are considered beverages.

Is alcohol classed as a poison?

Alcohol can be considered to be mildly poisonous; you have to drink really a lot of it in order to actually die of alcohol poisoning.

If someone has a tolerance for alcohol will rubbing alcohol make them die?

Rubbing alcohol (isopropyl alcohol) is toxic when ingested and can potentially be fatal in large quantities, even for someone with a tolerance to alcohol. It should never be consumed as a recreational beverage due to the serious health risks it poses.

Who is considered a minor under the Texas alcoholic beverage code?

For purposes of the Texas Alcohol and Beverage code, anyone under 21 is a minor.

What brand for 80 percent alcohol beverage?

I think that would be poisonous, so probably not for sale anywhere. Absinthe is quite close.

How much alcohol by volume must a drink contain to be considered alcoholic beverage?

In Texas it is more than one-half of one percent of alcohol by volume

Why is alcohol described as a recreational drug?

Alcohol is described as a recreational drug because it is used for the purpose of numbing the mind. Alcohol is used to escape reality.