The 5th Gym is in Cianwood City in Pokemon Silver, Gold, and Crystal.
you capture the ledgon dariy Pokemon
Chuck's gym.........
pryce the ice type gym leader
The 5th gym is the Fuchia city gym Gym leader Koga
The 5th Gym is in Cianwood City in Pokemon Silver, Gold, and Crystal.
The 5th Gym is in Cianwood City in Pokemon Gold, Silver, and Crystal.
the fith gym leader in crystal is on an Island in the southwest of Johto. use surf to get to him
In the mahogany gym
you capture the ledgon dariy Pokemon
Chuck's gym.........
liquid crystal? do you mean Pokemon crystal if its Pokemon crystal the levels are 19 20 and 23
The 5th Gym is in Cianwood City.
The 5th gym is the Fuchia city gym Gym leader Koga
the third gym is in golden rod city
pryce the ice type gym leader
u have to defeat the 5th gym leader in cianwood city.and then talk to the women just outside of the gym and she will give u hm fly.