It Is Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy Pull The Dandelions Near The Tomato Farm And All Around Cowboy Junction !!!
either in the ground or mining. i forgot which. I think on the cowboy island??
In cowboy juction, by the Chef Gino's Tomato Farm ther are these plants that when you walk through them they move, you move your pointer to the plant, hold down B like you were shaking a tree and pull out these plants. There will be a pinapple then the tires then music note then those microchips hope this helps!!
The Unarcheted Isle. That is Where you Will Find Bones. :)
they might be on the island with the elves.
cowboy junction
You just need to keep fishing in Cowboy Junction till you find it! It will come up eventually!
ask the sims around and u will find out
in cow boy junction if you go to the tomato patch there are two dandelions if you pull them both up the first one will give you a pineapple and the second one will give you two tires. there are other dandelions about also in cowboy junction that will also give you tires they will always be in a patch of two hope this helps
You have to pull out weeds and sometimes they pop up
you hsve to find the red bandanas. there should be around ten (lAME ANSWER)
you have to go to forest of the elves and water the plants then pick them or cutopia and water the plants near poppies house then pick them or cowboy junction and water the plants then pick them or spin flour in cowboy junction
You can get them by picking tomatoes at Cowboy Junction, picking Frog Berries on Forest of the Elves, or treasure hunting at Forest of the Elves
to get the angry essence, you could use the bellows on the pizza oven [at cowboy junction] or run on the treadmill [on rocket reef].
Once you finish Cowboy Junction and Reene's Nature Preserve, you unlock Rocket Reef. Travel to this Mysterious island and you discover Alexa... PS: Alexa has pink hair... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
the cowboy island
You can find 4x4 tires at tire kingdom or sears at cheap prices.