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Q: If you have discovered a new virus and have isolated its nucleic acids What feature could you look for to determine if the nucleic acids of this virus are RNA or DNA?
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In which year were nucleic acids discovered?


What feature of mononucleotides provides the energy needed for polymerization when nucleic acids are formed?

Their phosphate groups provides the energy that is needed for polymerization when nucleic acids are formed.

Who discovered that nucleic acids are responsible for the transmission of genetic information?

Hershey & Chase

The group of organic molecules that that were first discovered in the nucleus of the cell are called?

Nucleic acids

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How coined the term nucleic acids?

Nucleic acids were named as such because they were first found in the cell nucleus. Robert Brown first coined the term nucleus when he discovered the cell nucleus in 1831. In about 1869 a phospohrus containing substance was found in the nucleus and called nuclein by Johann Friedrich Miescher. This was changed to nucleic acids over time as the acidic nature was discovered. The original "nucleus" came from Robert Brown. Thomas Avery discovered it was the genetic carrier in the 1940s.

What did Friedrich Miescher do to the fight against infection?

Friedrich Miescher discovered/identified nucleic acid.

What year was nucleic acids discovered?

1869 I positive virtual school right I know got a 100 on that.

A primitive cell-like structure that consisted of nucleic acids and other complex molecules isolated from the environment by a simple outer membrane is called what?

B Prokaryote

What macromolecules do hydrogen bonds determine the shapes of?

Mainly in Nucleic acids. Also contribute some in proteins

What is the primary function of nucleic acids?

Nucleic acids serve as codes that will determine the production of protein in a cell. DNA contains codes for making RNA which in turn makes proteins. This is the primary function.

What do the nucleic acids do in the body?

The nucleic acid is a protein found in RNA and DNA to determine our genes . Edit: NUCLEIC ACIDS ARE NOT PROTEINS. Do they have amino groups? No. Are they made out of Amino acids? no. Nucleic acids are polymers which are also known as RNA and DNA. They contain all of the information of the body.