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Probably, some companies only require that you have care custody and control of the vehicle in order to be the named insured. Other companies require that you be the registered owner. The problem that arises is that the finance company usually wants to have the evidence of insurance be in the name of the person responsible for the loan. If you are the named insured but not the name on the loan then the loan company may require that the person on the loan also be on the insurance policy as a named insured. The best way to do this is to have the person that owns the car get the insurance and list you the driver as the principle operator.

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Q: If I lease my car to my fiance to be on his insurance policy as a member of the household and need a notarized letter for proof will his company accept me without insurance and does that matter?
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Depending on what insurance company you have and your plan. Most do in/near wooded areas.

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You can sue any entity. The courts will figure out the details.

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i dont think so