Depending on the hotel, a room will have a bed, nightstands, a TV, and possibly a desk. Most have a chest of drawers, a chair or two, possibly a sofa, and bathroom.
The best way to book a room at the Millennium Hotel in Glasgow would be to phone the hotel directly. There are also options to book a room using an online site that allows hotel room bookings.
That would be the lounge.
Double room hotel is nothing but the room which has two rooms inside that is called as double room in a hotel.
A pantry room is where unrefrigerated food and maybe extra dishes/pans are stored. So, in a hotel this room would be located in or near the kitchen.
It depends on what type of hotel, Usually you would use the words, Relaxing, Comfortable, Lively or Superior.
A double hotel room sleeps up to four people in two double beds. Since there are two beds, it is called a double.
If the hotel is overbooked and there is no chance of a room then you should find another room as soon as possible. * Is there a guest who can move out of a single room? * Are there any other hotels in the town? * Are there any Bed and Breakfasts in the town. * If it is a wedding, can one of the relations move out of the hotel and stay in someone's spare room? This would leave a hotel room free.
One can book a room at the Eden Hotel in Amsterdam by contacting them directly. It is also possible sometimes to book a room through an online agency.
a hotel room comfortable for twins
A hotel room made for one person.
A triple room in a hotel is usually a room containing three beds.