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Q: How much semen was pumped out Lil Kim's stomach?
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Why there is so much pleasure when male release semen?

The highly pleasurable feelings just before and during ejaculation (release of semen) is called orgasm. Males (usually) have an orgasm after stimulation of their penis by masturbation or by vaginal, anal or oral sex. After stimulation of the penis for some time, muscles in the lower pelvis, (starting with the the anal sphincter, then the prostate and then muscles in and surrounding the penis) begin to contract rhythmically, ultimately resulting in ejaculation (the semen and sperm spurting out of the penis). These involuntary rhythmic muscle contractions stimulate nerves, particularly in the prostate gland, the anus and around the base of the penis which result in highly pleasurable feelings.

How did Michelle Thomas die?

She died from stomach cancer in 1998. Its called intra-abdominal desmoplastic small round cell tumor, a soft tissue disease.

Can you die if you eat a piece of lead?

You can die from eating but it depends from how much you eat. If you eat to much your stomach inside you could just like explode inside. Your stomach can only hold a certain amount. From that certain amount if you go over it you die. But also it depends what you eat. You have to make sure what you eat isn't to sharp or poisonous.

Is Tiffany thorton pregnant?

No she is not pregnant .. If she was it would show that she has a big stomach and I really don't think she would be on Disney channel for little kids to watch. If she did have a big stomach it would problably mean that shes eating too much chips or something but she is not pregnant. Yes, she is pregnant. She even said it herself that she is pregnant. It happend on Febuary 13, 2012. She said that she is pregnant with their first child. P.S. I crossed the other persons answer cause it is not true.

Why don't i have any semen at all?

The volume of semen ejaculated by a male is highly dependent on a number of things. * Some people have a normally small ejaculate. * Older men tend to ejaculate less than when they were youngsters. * A person who is dehydrated will ejaculate less. * A guy who masturbates or has sexual intercourse very frequently within a given period of time, may experience a progressively smaller ejaculation until he rests and give his body time to catch up. * Young boys who have just begun ejaculating, may experience a thin, more watery ejaculation, which will likely change to become thicker and more copious as they mature. * Some diseases like diabetes, neurological or circulatory disorders will affect how much a man ejaculates. If you are concerned about the volume or quality of your ejaculate, you should discuss this with your family doctor or urologist, who can do a microscopic examination of a semen sample, and provide you with the information you need.

Related questions

How much would it cost to get your stomach pumped due to overdose at the emergency room?

It doesn't matter how much it costs. If you need to have your stomach pumped due to an overdose, saving your life is priceless. Don't worry about the cost. That will take care of itself later on. Take care of yourself right now!

How much semen you need in you until its mandatory to get it pumped out?

There is no specific amount of semen that necessitates pumping it out. The body can typically reabsorb excess semen, and it is not usually necessary to take action unless there are specific health concerns. If you are experiencing discomfort or have health questions, it is best to consult with a healthcare provider.

Why after sex you had stomach ache and bloated stomach what does this mean?

u could be allergic to his sperm - or maybe too much air has been pumped in? I doubt your allergic to sperm. Take a pregnancy test

How much semen does a sperm whale have in its brain?

none, what would semen be doing in the brain.

How Much Semen Does A Man Hold?

the average man has around 3 tablespoons of semen he can ejaculate.

How much blood is pumped in an average lifetime?


How much semen does a bull produce?

One bull usually ejaculates around 7 mL of semen.

How much semen does someone needs to consume to have a daily supply of vitamins?

Semen is not a valid source of vitamin intake.

How many Weight Watchers Points are semen?

Semen is free. It's all protein! Eat as much as you want.

How much blood is pumped per minute?

5 liters

How does crocin kill you?

Crocin is a type of pain relief medication. Like most medication, an overdose can and will kill you by releasing too much of it into your blood stream and shutting down your organs. If overdose is suspected, get to an emergency room ASAP to have the stomach pumped.

Is swallowing a man's sperm harmful to your health What can it do to your stomach?

People don't get their stomachs pumped for semen. Those are rumors that have been around for years. Assuming there are no diseases, it is perfectly safe to swallow semen...even if it's you own. See Related Links below for myth busting! "If I see it on the internet it must be true"....Barnum was right!!