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$200-$1000 non-union jobs, union jobs in the higher thousands.

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Q: How much do voice actors in a cartoon get paid?
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Are cartoon characters paid?

The characters are not paid, the voice over actors are paid and the artists are paid. The characters are not real.

How much do cartoon makers get paid?

By "cartoon people", I assume you mean "people who make cartoons," not "cartoon people," who get as much money as the artist feels like drawing them with. Unfortunately, the answer varies greatly depending on exactly what job they're doing and how popular the cartoon is. Voice actors for very popular cartoons make quite a bit of money. Relatively unknown voice actors for a show that's just starting out get paid scale (not a lot). Animators generally get paid as little as possible, with a great deal of the actual work outsourced to countries where minimum wage is lower or doesn't exist for precisely this reason.

How much money does a voice actor earn?

Actors with recognizable voices are paid very highly. For normal voice actors, who aren't famous they are paid around minium wage, and are paid per line. Like normal actors they have auditions, and the competition is a little bit less but still there.

How much do cartoon people get paid?


How much do cartoon mascots get paid?

2.00 a minute

How much do Voice over actors for Star Wars The Clone wars get paid?

i like pancackes i hope this helps ben

Do voice contestants get paid?

They do get paid but it hasn't been disclose how much they get

How much was James Earl Jones paid for His role as the voice of Darth Vader voice?

He was paid $7,000 for the original film.

How much does a cartoon illistrator get paid?

the average designer makes about close to 1,200 a year

How much do skin actors get paid?

Too much.

How much does Sam Elliott get paid for voice overs?

$55,000 per 10 minutes of finished voice over scripts.

How much does Minnie Mouse get paid?

Minnie Mouse is a fictional cartoon character so it is impossible for her to receive a paycheck.