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Q: How many ounces are in an old fashion ketchup bottle?
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How many oz does a ktchup bottle have?

My ketchup bottle ounces (oz) is.....24 oz

How many teaspoons of sugar in a bottle of ketchup?

A bottle of Heinz or Hunts ketchup contains 6.5 ounces of sugar, which is approximately 39 teaspoons of sugar.

How many milliliters in ketchup bottle?

24000 millimetres in a ketchup bottle If it is a 7 gallon bottle.

How much ketchup do you need to make a gallon?

Liquids and other watery substances (such as ketchup, mustard, relish, etc) are typically measured in ounces (oz). It takes approximately 128 ounces to make a gallon, so depending on how large your bottle of ketchup is, you may need to buy more or less accordingly in order to have one gallon (or how many gallons you need) of ketchup.

How many ounces are in a five liter bottle?

That is 176.372 ounces.

How many ounces are in a plastic bottle of aquAfina?

That is 17.6 ounces

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two ounces

How many ounces of liquor is in a bottle of vodka?

About 27 ounces

How many milliliters in a Heinz ketchup bottle?

it is about 330ml

A bottle of ketchup holds 946 liters how many milliliters of ketchup are in the bottle?

That is a really big bottle ... almost 250 gallons !946 liters = 946000 ml1 liter = 1000 mililiters1 mililiter = 0.001 liter

How many fluid ounces are in a 1.5 liter bottle wine?

It depends on how big the bottle. A typical bottle size is 750ml, but there are many variations. In a regular 750 ml bottle, there are 25.4 ounces.

How many cups in 24 ounces of ketchup?

This would be exactly three cups.