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1.305 mol CO

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Q: How many moles of carbon monoxide are there in 36.55 g of carbon monoxide?
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How many moles of CO are produced when 1.4moles C reacts?

1,4 moles carbon monoxide are produced.

How many moles are in 56 grams of carbon monoxide?

moles = weight in grams / molecular weight = 56 / 28 = 2 moles

How many atoms are there in 0.650 moles of carbon monoxide?

The answer is 7,829.10 ex.23 atoms.

How many moles of carbon monoxide molecules correspond to 7.20 x 1027 molecules of CO?

The equivalence is 1992 moles.

How many grams of carbon monoxide (CO) are there in 2.55 moles of the ompound?

2,55 moles of the compound CO have 71,4 grams.

How many moles of carbon monoxide are in 350 g sample?

350 g sample of CO contain 12,49 moles.

How many moles of C do you have in the CO2?

1 mole of CO2 has 1 mole of carbon atoms and 2 moles of oxygen atoms.

How many moles of CO are produced from 5 moles o2?

The answer is 10 moles of carbon monoxide.2 C + O2 = 2 CO

How many molecules are 0.40 mol of carbon monoxide?

In order to find number of molecules from moles, you must multiply moles by avagadro's number, which is 6.02*10^23.

How many carbon atoms are in one carbon monoxide particle?

Carbon Monoxide-CO. 1carbon atom.

How many moles of carbon dioxide are there in 19 grams of carbon dioxide?

Moles of carbon dioxide = grams/amu of carbon dioxide. Moles = 19g/44amu Moles of carbon dioxide = .432

How many moles of CO are produced when 1.4 moles of C reacts?

If you have 1.4 mol of carbon before the reaction you have 1,4 mol of carbon after the reaction. If you make carbon monoxide, CO, then you need 1.4 mol of CO after the reactiion. If you make carbon dioxide, CO2, you need 1.4 mol of C2O, because you have one carbon in each molecule.