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Q: How many 2 ounce slices of cheese are needed to balance 2 pounds of oranges?
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If the cost of 3 pounds of oranges is 2.25 what is the cost of 8 pounds of oranges?

6. Divide 8 by 3, then multiply that answer by 2.25 and you get 6

How many pounds cheese for 150 people?

Depends what it is for, -an appetiser, part of main dish, etc. More info needed.

What is Four pounds of oranges cost 3.09. At the same rate find the cost of five pounds of oranges.?

3.09/4 = 0.7725 cost of 1 pound of oranges and so 5 times 0.7725 = 3.8625 or 3.86 which is the cost of 5 pounds of oranges

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24.30 for 8.1 pounds of Swiss Cheese = 3 for 1.0 pounds of Swiss Cheese

There are 100 people Each guest will be given half a pound of cheese How many pounds of cheese must be bought?

100 people * 1/2 pounds of cheese per person = 50 pounds of cheese

How many pounds do oranges weight?

It depends on the orange

How many pounds of cheese for 175 tacos?

I would use about 1 ounce grated cheese per taco. That is 11 pounds of cheese.

How much does 8 pounds of oranges cost?

It since oranges are about 32cents a pound then the price would be approximatly $2.56.

How pounds in 100 oz of cream cheese?

6.25 pounds.

How pounds to make a half bushel of oranges?

Approximately 20 lbs.