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When the waves first spread out from the earthquake's epicentre, they travelled at up to 800 kilometers per hour (500 mph). As tsunami waves approach the shore, their speed decreases, so by the time the 2004 tsunami reached land, the waves weren't going much faster than normal waves. They were travelling at about 1 kilometer per minute, which is about 60 kph or 37 mph. The subsequent force, together with the height and speed of the wave and the volume of water in it caused the damage to the land. Then when that same water retreated it sucked many people out to sea where many of them drowned.

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When the waves first spread out from the earthquake's epicentre, they travelled at up to 800 kilometers per hour (500 mph). When the first waves hit the Indonesian coast they were traveling well over 500 mph.

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Q: How fast was the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami when it hit land?
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Nothing really, just run for your life. If you live in an area where an ocean is fairly close to your city. When an Earthquake occurs, start expecting a Tsunami, and get away from it the city as fast as you could.

How fast does a Tsunami go?

actualy they go about 300-400 miles per hour. yeah pretty fast!^ I know that the waves from the tsunami in Japan, were travelling across the ocean at speeds of deep open sea, they can go 500 mph or more

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I will run as fast as i can and go into the place where tsunami will not reach.

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How fast were the waves going in japan's tsunami?

Very very fast

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about 80km

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it was about 150 mph

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Why did the Indian ocean tsunami of 2004 take so many lives?

-500 kilometre wave wrecked havoc throughout the area-struck at 8am meaning many were still asleep-building quality not strong enough-no medication-water born diseases-no early warning system