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The can be seen as far south as 50oN. See the related link to Wikipedia for a map showing the extent they can be viewed. Scroll down to the section 'Frequency of occurrence' - and click on either of the two maps to enlarge.

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Q: How far south have the northern lights been seen?
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Can you see the northern lights from Denmark?

Denmark is certainly far enough north to see the northern lights; they've been seen (on extremely rare occasions) as far south as Mexico City.

Can the northern lights be seen from Kentucky?

yes,the northern lights can be seen from Kentucky

Are there such things as the southern lights?

Yes there are. They are the same phenomenon as the Northern Lights. It happens at both the north pole and south pole. The Northern Lights can be seen in much of the northern hemisphere and the Southern Lights in much of the southern hemisphere.

Where can you see the northern lights in the United States?

The one state where you can see the Northern Lights easily is Alaska. On very rare occasion, the Northern Lights can be seen as far south as St. Louis, but generally speaking, it is unusual to see them much south of Central Canada. I live in southern Michigan, am in my 60s, and I have seen the Northern Lights here exactly twice in my life. That depends on the space weather affecting our planet. This changes the latitude at which the lights may be seen and therefore the states it can be seen from.

Can you see the northern lights from upstate ny?

Yes, I live on lake Ontario and although I cannot claim it is a frequent occurrence I have seen them.Driving south I have been able to see them down to northern Pennsylvania.

Where are the northern and sourthern lights found?

The further north or south you are the easier and more frequent they are to be seen. I have seen them in Preston England twice but that is very rare.

Can the northern lights been seen in Tennessee?

Seen them tonight october 24th. Around 9. They sky was red. Very cool.

Can the northern lights be seen in Washington DC?


What do we call the multicolored lights that are seen from the North Pole?

Aurora Borealis, or Northern Lights. They can also be seen from other nearby parts of the Northern Hemisphere.

Is it possible to predict the northern lights?

Yes, but not very long in advance. When there is a lot of activity on the surface of the sun and it ejects material towards Earth, the Northern Lights can be seen. So if the activity on the Sun is seen, then it is possible to predict that the Northern Lights will be seen in the following hours and days.

What is light seen at the north pole and south pole when solar wind collides with earths atmosphere?

The "Northern Lights" (or Aurora Borealis) are seen near the North Pole. The "Southern Lights" (or Aurora Australis) are seen near the South Pole. For more information on Auroras, see the related link included.

What light seen at the north pole and south pole when solar wind collides with earth atmosphere?

The "Northern Lights" (or Aurora Borealis) are seen near the North Pole. The "Southern Lights" (or Aurora Australis) are seen near the South Pole. For more information on Auroras, see the related link included.