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The sphinx moth uses their coloration to blend in with snow so preditors don't notice them.

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Q: How does the sphinx moths use coloration to protect themselves?
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What are sphinx moths main predators?

The main predators of the hawk moth are bats, amphibians, and birds. The hawk moth is also sometimes called the sphinx moth and in some areas it's called the hummingbird moth.

Where does sphinx moth live?

There are thousands of species of sphinx moths, and just about any habitat in the world except some barren deserts and polar ice is likely to be home to at least a few species. They normally fly at night and are difficult to find unless you use a bright light to attract them or find some flowers that they are visiting for nectar.

Why did the dark colored moths outnmber the light colored moth during the Industrial Revolution?

AnswerThr trees that the moths resided on had previusly been a light white/grey colour. However, there was so much pollution as a result of the Industrial Revolution that the soot darkened the trees to a dark grey/blackish colour. The white moths had a higher population prior ot the Revolution because they blended into the trees and predators would eat the dark moths. But, once the trees became stained a darker colour, the light coloured moths were no longer able to blend into the trees.DANGER! The above is a synopsis of Kettlewell's conclusions after his experiments with peppered moths in Great Britain during the 1950's. Later analysis has shown that Kettlewell's experiments were seriously flawed. Kettlewell "proved" that birds ate peppered moths perched on tree trunks during daylight hours by introducing a large population of peppered moths in enclosures with trees and birds, then he showed that the birds ate more of the light colored moths off the dark colored trees. Unfortunately, in nature, peppered moths are nocturnal, they hide during daylight hours, flying and feeding only during darkness, they do not normally perch on tree trunks during daylight hours. Also, bird predation is a trivial factor in peppered moth evolution, the main predators of peppered moths are bats, which catch them in flight not resting on tree trunks. Lastly, after tougher pollution laws took effect in the 1960's, and tree trunks became lighter again, Kettlewell did field observations which supposedly showed a rebound of light colored moths and the decimation of dark colored moths. While Kettlewell's original field notes have never been found, his observations do not comport with later and more scientific field studies. Bottom line - color camouflage and tree trunk color may have a tiny effect on light vs. dark moth populations but major shifts in moth coloration are dependant on other factors and whether there was actually a major shift in moth coloration (outside of Kettlewell's imagination) is open to question

What is black history moth?

Well just like black men and white men there are black moths and while moths.(in history) Well just like black men and white men there are black moths and while moths.(in history) Well just like black men and white men there are black moths and while moths.(in history)

What is a scientist called when they study butterflys?

People who study butterflies and moths are called lepidopterists. The study of butterflies alone is sometimes known as 'butterflying', and those who study butterflies alone are sometimes known as 'butterflyers'.

Related questions

How do sphinx moths protect themselves?

They bring back the ancient egyptians to protect them. Yeah, they can do that.

How does the sphinx moth protect themselves?

Sphinx moths protect themselves through the spots on their wings, which look like eyes and keep some predators away. They also are very big, and can make themselves look larger by opening their wings.

How do moths protect themselves?

Moths protect themselves by keeping themselves still so their predators cannot see them. They don't fight, but use other methods. Many moths are colored to blend in to their surroundings. Also, some moths have fake "eyes" on their backs. If an animal attempts to kill the moth, it will show the eyes, making it look like a larger animal.

How do moths and butterflies protect themselves?

Camouflage and fluttering in a rapid and unpredictable manner

When England became industrialized soot from factories helped which moths survive?

Moths with lighter coloration were more visible against the darkened bark (as a result of the soot) and were thus more easily spotted by predators. Moths with darker coloration had a selective advantage as they were less visible to predators.

Is a moth a male butterfly?

Uh no moths are a different type of insect. They include... Luna moths, White lined sphinx, the proud sphinx, and many more so yeah butterfly's and moths are different types of animals. :P

How do moths camoflouge?

To hide from sharp-eyed predators like birds, many moths have cryptic coloration (camouflage) which makes them difficult to see against a particular background. Many moths have the color and patterns of tree bark. A moth's cryptic coloration protects it from birds and other preditors.

How do moths survive What do they do to escape being eaten How do they protect themselves?

they will hide and bind in Whit tree and all kind of stuff

Where do sphinx moths live?

The sphinx moth (Hyles lineated) can be found in a wide variety of habitats. These range from arid deserts to tropical rainforests.

How long does a sphinx moth stay in its cocoon?

When a sphinx moth becomes an adult caterpillar, it will go underground to pupate. Most common sphinx moths will overwinter underground and hatch out in the early summer. However sphinx moths that are located in warmer, more tropical regions only take 2-3 weeks to hatch.

What is the Luna moths coloration?

a Luna moth is usually a greenish-blue and has yellow eye spots to confuse predetors

What are the characteristics of sphinx moth?

There are many different species with different characteristics, but in general they are large, heavy-bodied moths with long, thin wings. They have very fast and powerful flight, giving them the nickname "hawk moths". Many species also have a long proboscis that they use to drink nectar while hovering in front of flowers, giving them the name "hummingbird moths". Look for pictures of the White-lined Sphinx and Pandorus Sphinx to see a typical sphinx moth shape. To see some bizarre sphinx moths that don't fit this general description, look for Grote's Sphinx or Northern Pine Sphinx.