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you go to your deck then click treasure cards and add them to your deck (i havent played wiz 101 in a while i quit after i was grand master) hope this helps xD

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Q: How do you use treasure cards in wizard 101?
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Wizard 101 how do you use your treasure cards in combat?

Once you are in battle and ready to choose a card right click on one to discard it and then click on the middle option that says draw.

Why do you run out of cards on wizard 101?

Flee or wait to die. Without the cards to defend and attack you will just be a standing target.

Can you use custom wizard 101 spell cards in the game?

Sadly no…………. but you can submit ideas to KI to suggest your spell.

Do the give wizard 101 cards at cvs?

yes one that gives life pets but any school can use them

What does wizard 101 mean discard to use treasure card?

If you have a treasure card(s) in your deck, you will need to discard one card in your deck to draw a treasure card. Right click on a card to discard, then if you have a treasure card(s) in your deck, the "Draw" button at the bottom will be clickable, and this will draw one random treasure card into your hand when you click on them. You will need to discard one card to draw one treasure card, so if you need two treasure cards, discard two cards in your hand and click the Draw button two times.

Where is the pet store in wizard 101?

The pet store in wizard 101 is at Shopping District. Use your map at you journal. Or your compass.

How do you use wizard 101 multi hack?

you cant....

How do you use mutation treasure cards in wizard 101?

Mutation cards are extremely rare, so rare you can only find them in the bazaar. Buy one and get the required spell it can mutate trained. When you are in combat with the mutatable spell in your hand, discard a card you don't need and/or want by right clicking them, then click the Draw button at the bottom to draw the mutation card (if you have other treasure cards included, you might not draw the right one as it randomly chooses). When you draw the mutation spell, just click on it, then the mutatable spell you have in hand and it will turn it into a mutated treasure card in which you can use.

How do you use your pet in wizard 101?

You dont, it activates itself.

How do you get to use text chat on wizard 101?

you have to be thirteen or older

What do you use poly-morph cards for in wizard 101?

you can only use them when fighting bosses. i have tried using them in pvp but it wont let me, polymorph cards transfom your wizard into a diffrent creature for 6 rounds while fighting. it also gives you diffrent cards for those 6 rounds. the ones i have used also increased my health. hope this helps you if you havent figured it out yet.

What do you use poly morph cards for in wizard 101?

you can use it if you like because what type of spell its from can boost it on the enemy so in your deck if you see any poly morgh click it and it tranforms you into the monster it shows