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To get the Swanana and Rashberry to romance, you must get Billy to build the Mystery House (which is the Pigxie House). After, you want to give the two lovebirds-to-be lots of happy candy OR feed each of them one romance candy and bring them together (that's how I romanced them).

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Q: How do you get the rashberry and the swanana to romance into a pigxie?
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you need to romance a swanana with a rashberry just after giving them a joy sweet and all their romance requirements have been completed if this doesn't work try romancing them with their own species first.

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OK what you have to do is buy a mystery home and get a swannana and rashberry get both of there romance requirements and then breed them and hey presto a pigxie.

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First you buy a mystery house. Then you get a Rashberry. Than get a Swana. Get a Swana house, and a Rashberry house. Give them both a romance candy and romance them.

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Rashberries don't eat Tafflies. Where did you get this information from?!

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if you want the pigxie you have to ronmace the swannana and the rashberry and buy a pigxie home at the willy builder store then buy a chukles and make it sit on the egg then you should have a pigxie...:)

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On the game Viva Pinata one way to evolve a rashberry is by buying the house for a rashberry and a house for a swanana. Then purchase a mystery house which will make the rashberry evolve. Feeding the rashberry 10 taffy may also make it evolve.

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get a 2 rotten hazelnuts make them eat that and then get 2 rotten gooseberries and make them eat that.

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In order to romance a swanana and a rashberry in the "mystery house". First You have to complete all romance requirements for both pinata. Also you will have to have romanced them with their own species before you can cross romance them.

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To attract a Swanana, you will need to remove any of the plants that are in the way within your garden. You also need to cover the water and have sandwiches.

How do you get a Pigxie on Viva Pinata DS?

# ---- nice

How do you get a Rashberry?

go tothe pet lady and selecte the pets

What level do you have to be to by a rashberry on Viva Pinata Pocket Paradise?