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you us frogzard tear magma leaf and mermazon kelp.

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Q: How do you get mana potions on adventure quest?
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Related questions

What are the potions in adventure quest?

health and mana

Are you able to make mana potions on adventure quest?

Yes, currently you can take two potions at once or one be it health o mana potions. It takes a turn though. EDITED by Nim: Whoever answered this question, did you actually READ it? They asked if you can MAKE mana potions, not how many potions you can drink during a battle.

Where do you get mana energy for miltonius on adventure quest worlds?

from mana golem

What is power drain in Adventure Quest?

Mana drain.

How do you make potions in adventure quest worlds?

You don't.

How do you get food in adventure quest worlds?

You can do the doomwood food quest or arcangrove to get potions

What does mp stand for in adventure quest?

MP = Mana Points.

Where can you buy potions in adventure quest only buying?

Potions are available from Reens' shop at /join arcangrove.

Where do you find the mana golem adventure quest worlds?

in elemental but u have to complete everything and every quest

How do you get items faster from enemies in adventure quest worlds?

just don't use mana

How can I get a mana potion in AQW?

You can get the mana potions from Reens in Arcangrove.

What happens when you level up on adventure quest worlds?

nothing besides more health and mana it seems nothing besides more health and mana it seems nothing besides more health and mana it seems