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Q: How do stems that are adapted for climbing help vines meet their needs?
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What are climbing vines?

Climbing vines are vines that will grow up a trellis or the side of a house if left to grow unchecked. Some examples of climbing vines include kudzu and ivy.

What are climbing plants?

Vines, such as ivy or grape plants.

How can you identify herbs from vines?

The difference of the vines from a herbs are they are climbing and twinning plants while the herbs have soft and succulent stem.....thanks!

What are the 5 names of vines?

When support is available, vines will try to climb, and there are different methods of climbing and each method has a variety of little variations that get the plant up and into the sunlight:Twining (wisteria)Tendrils - clinging vines (green peas)Aerial Rootlets (English ivy)Hooks (climbing rose)

What is the name of the climbing plants that hang like ropes in rainforest trees?


How do vines get water?

Vines are climbing woody-stemmed plants that are part of the grape family. They use their large root systems to absorb water from the soil.

What are the 4 classification of plants according to their characteristics of their stems?

herbs vines trees shrubs

Who on our Dora and Diego team is really good at climbing and swinging on vines?

Boots the Monkey

How do plants with weak stems grow?

Plants with weak stems are either creepers, climbers or twinners. Very often these plants have specialized structures like tendrils, climbing roots or hooks to push them up to get more sunlight.

What flowering vine begins with letter h?

Honeysuckle vine and climbing Hydrangea are ornamental vines. Honeysuckle vines can grow up to twenty feet. Hydrangea are heavier and need support. Their lateral vines will grow three feet.

What are the physical characteristics of Mexican yam?

A perennial plant with twisting, climbing vines with fleshy edible roots.

How do you spell treeless?

That is the correct spelling of "treeless" (without trees).The similar word is trellis, a frame for climbing vines.