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Q: How do some bacterial cells adapt to cold temperatures?
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What advantage does a coldblooded animal have over a warmblooded animal?

Cold blooded animals can adapt to changing temperatures better.

How do walruses adapt to extreme cold?

They have blubber (fat) under their skin which acts as insulation so they keep warm, even in cold temperatures like that

How do plants respond to cold temperatures?

the cold temperture may harm plants and kill the cells that helps the plants to grow.

What temperature do koalas like?

Koalas are able to adapt to a variety of temperatures. They are found in cold, sub-alpine climates right up to hot and humid sub-tropical temperatures in northern Queensland.

How can cold weather affect plants in a garden?

The effect of extreme hot and cold weather on plants would be negative. This is because the cells can not function during these temperatures causing cells to die.

Why can penguins live in Singapore?

Penguins can live in Singapore even though it doesn't snow here as Singapore keeps penguins that adapt to room temperature, not penguins that adapt to cold temperatures that are below 0 Degree Celsius.

Why does fish and chicken spoil faster than beef?

Because fish spend their lives in cold water the enzymes in the flesh of fish are active at cold temperatures. Beef enzymes are inactive at cold temperatures. Another reason might be that fish have natural bacterial populations on their flesh while beef is cut from tissues free of bacteria.

What can you throw but not catch?

A cold or other type of virus or bacterial infection.

Is a cold sore a bacterial or viral?

Cold sores are a viral illness. They are caused by herpes simplex virus.

Do crystals grow larger in size in warm temperatures or cold temperatures?

cold temperature

Is the Arctic Tundra under threat?

Yes, it is threatened because the arctic is becoming less and less cold (part of the global warming theory) and in turn, the arctic moss can not adapt to the rising temperatures in time for it to be able to survive warm temperatures.

Can sub zero temperatures cure a cold or flu?

No. Cold and flu viruses are unaffected by cold or even freezing temperatures.