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When the Crusades were launched they weren't only for religious Freedom they were also for money. When the first crusade was launched The crusaders had no idea that they would find spices, silk, etc. They were just going to fight the Muslim's. As soon as the Remaining crusaders made it back they started telling stories and tales of all these things. Which in turn prompted traders and Merchants to travel to the holy land in search of these goods. After the crusades this trade grew to its Best and it contributed to The Renaissance. But when the Ottomans Came to power They weren't so easy on the trade. They increased taxes and started blocking ports, The Europeans Knew that the Ottomans were strong And that war would be costly so they started looking for ways around. The first to explore were the Portuguese They decided to head around Africa but with caution, when they finally reached India they had set up many Trade points in Africa. But this way was to long for people to travel, So Christopher Columbus went to Spain with a proposition, He would sail west to the east Indies and open up a new trade route for Spain. But little did He know that North and South America were there. So when he ran into the Caribbean islands he claimed them for Spain and named them the west Indies. Here he met native people called the Taino's which would later be raped and turned into slaves. When he went back Spain got interested in what they heard so they sent him on 3 more Voyages.

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Q: How did the crusades contribute to the discovery of the new world?
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The Crusades indirectly contributed to the discovery of the New World by?

stimulating european demand for goods from the east

How did the crusades lead to columbus voyage of discovery?

It was in pursuit of such trade routes the Columbus "discovered" the New World.

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The voyages of discovery to the New World can be traced back to the lively interest in geographical matters awakened by the expeditions of the crusaders.

What was an indirect result of the Crusades?

discovery of the new worldOne indirect result of the Crusades was that the feudal system was not as strong as it had been. Another indirect result was that trade and commerce picked up.

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Christopher Columbus is credited with the discovery of the new world

Europeans went on Crusades to rid the Holy Land of infidels. How did this lead to the discovery of and exploration of the New World?

I believe because of the Crusader states the Spanish men tried to find a faster way to India which was part of the Holy Land so they sailed west which founded the New World.

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How did the crusades in southwest Asia and the travels of Marco Polo in Asia contribute to growth of trade in Europe?

They introduced new products and goods

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They introduced new products and goods

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How did the Crusades change the world if Christians failed to take the Holy Land?

The crusades, however not creating a christian dominated world, did affect quite a lot. For one, It forced the Christians of Europe to interact with the Muslim people. This didn't produce much in the ways of communication, however, Crusaders would bring back prizes of their crusades such as silk, perfumes, and the color purple (hence why it was the color of royalty in Europe, it was so expensive). After the crusades, Europeans craved these new goods, and an extensive trade route was established. Then European countries began looking for new ways to get to India, one of these countries, which was just established, Spain, sends an explorer. His name is Christopher Columbus. So indirectly, we owe America's discovery to the crusades.