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One major way to tell is whether they would live in a lake (freshwater) or in the ocean (saltwater).

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Q: How can you tell if a animal is freshwater or salt water?
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Is tap water fresh water?

Springs are simply freshwater. But some of the fish, if any, in springs are salt and fresh water fish. Think of ponds and rivers and lakes. Those are all freshwater too. One more fact that I have to tell you is that water should be stored in a cool, dark, and dry place.

How can you tell salt water from fresh water?

the amount of salt dissolved in the water

What is the fresh water fishing?

The biggest fresh water fish is the great sturgeon reaching 23 feet in total

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The density of a salt water solution compared against the densities of "pure" water and salt provides an approximate value of the ratio of water to salt in the mixture.

What is an abiotic factor in freshwater?

All I can tell you is water, rocks, and dirt. Sorry if that is not enough

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Salt is the solute. Water is the solvent. Salt water is the solution. This solution is sometimes called a saline solution.

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How can you tell if a glass of water contains salt?

You can evaporate it.

How can you tell if the system is salt water or chlorine?

taste it

How can you tell fresh water from salt water?

By the salinity or salt level in the water which can be measure by a number of devices most commonly the hydrometer or refractometer.

Will a ship ride higher in inland freshwater lake or in the ocean?

Ocean. The ship will ride higher in salt water than fresh in water. There is a load line on the side of ships to tell you how deep you can load the ship. You can load the ship deeper if it is in fresh water because it will come up when it gets to the ocean.

A grass burns and turns to ash however the salt remains in the ashes and dissolves what does this tell you about the properties of salt?

The answer is: salt is soluble in water.