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They are adapted by the way they are structured and the way they are shaped like a worm and the teeth they have

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Q: How are some leeches adapted to a parasitic lifestyle?
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Are arthropods parasites?

No. Leeches are annelids, also known as segmented worms.

Some parasitic leeches are attracted by warmth What type of host would you expect such leeches to have and what would be the adaptive advantage of this attraction?

leeches most likely to attach to humans

What is a parasitic lifestyle?

Those that feed of of others sucess' ,feeling they have some god given right to it.

How are leeches different from flukes?

Leeches have external signs of segmentation but have little repetition of internal parts pr internal compartments.

How do Leeches eat?

Many leeches have a proboscis used for swallowing the prey or for sucking its fluids; others have jaws for biting. Many parasitic leeches are able to parasitize a wide variety of hosts. Most of the marine and some of the freshwater leeches are fish parasites. The medicinal leech, Hirudo medicinalis, is one of a group of aquatic bloodsucking leeches with jaws. Another group of jawed bloodsuckers is terrestrial; these leeches live in damp tropical vegetation and drop onto their mammalian prey. Most parasitic leeches attach to the host only while feeding; a single meal may be 5 or 10 times the weight of the leech and provide it with food for several months. The digestive tract of bloodsuckers produces an anticoagulant, hirudin, which keeps the engorged blood from clotting. A few leeches attach permanently to the host, leaving only to reproduce.

What are the advantages of a parasitic lifestyle?

You live off of the efforts of others. You do nothing and let others support you. Some of the drawbacks might be that you have no choice of what you get. You have to take what's available.

Can leeches leech off of leeches?

No, it would be cool if they could though! ;) Some leeches are known to eat earthworms whole though...

Why do people probably dislike leeches?

Some people think that leeches are not good and it stinks...

How long can a leeches live?

Most leeches live 1 year; some live more.

What phylum do leech belong to?

Leeches are annelids comprising the subclass Hirudinea. There are freshwater, terrestrial, and marine leeches. Like the Oligochaeta, they share the presence of a clitellum. Like earthworms, leeches are hermaphrodites. Some, but not all, leeches are hematophagous

What phylum do leech belongs?

Leeches are annelids comprising the subclass Hirudinea. There are freshwater, terrestrial, and marine leeches. Like the Oligochaeta, they share the presence of a clitellum. Like earthworms, leeches are hermaphrodites. Some, but not all, leeches are hematophagous

What is leeches relationship to man?

Leeches are known as parasites but they can be useful in medicine. After surgery, some doctors use leeches to prevent dangerous swelling near a wound. Also, leeches make a useful chemical that people can use.