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They would die. Instantly.

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Q: How a human being would fare on the sun?
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How would a human being fare on sun?

They would die. Instantly.

Would a human being burn on neptune?

No, there is no free oxygen in Neptune's atmosphere and you are too far from the sun for sunburn..

How would a human being fare rate on the sun?

Not at all, they would die instantly Jupiter is more massive than all of the other planets put together, it's made mostly of hydrogen. It's gravity would crush you, it's surface would absorb you, it's atmosphere would poison you, and if that weren't enough it's got a storm on it's surface roughly the size of the earth that's been there from centuries and is visible from the surface of the earth.

What make the sun hot and is there any way to land on the sun?

i do not know why the sun is hot BUT however i do know that it would be physically impossible for any human being to land in the sun because their body could not take the heat.

"The sun tapped him on his shoulder ". What figure of speech is being used?

Personification. The sun is being described as performing a human action, here.

How many people are on the sun?

No human being is present on the surface of the sun, nor has anyone ever visited there.

What if the sun was not big?

there would be no human life,it would be to small to be satisfied.

When will we walk on the sun?

The intense heat would incinerate a human. So we will never travel to the sun or walk on it because any human body would die and burn up.

What would happen without the light from the sun?

there would be no electricity no lightning and such.....

What would happen if a human entered the sun?

They'd die...

What is being personified in the sentence as you walked through the scorching desert the sun beat down on us?

The sun is being personified as it is given human-like qualities of being able to "beat down" on the people walking through the desert.

How many people have visited the sun?

no human being can get on the sun is is too hot for anf living thing to even be on tyhe sun for 1 mil second