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Sounds like you are not including all the information. If you had an accident that was someone else's fault then their auto insurance would pay for repair of your vehicle and your insurance company would not even have to be involved. Or is this one of those not your fault accidents where no other vehicles were involved but a tree or telephone pole jumped in front of your car. That would be your fault. Some companies do offer no claims discounts that you loose no matter what the claim is which includes all claims like glass claims, deer collisions, uninsured motorists claims, etc. that normally would not affect your rate.

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Q: Had a accident not your fault your insurance company tell you i have to pay three hundred in excess which you wll get back but you will loose your 20 per cent no claims bonus?
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If a victim of a simple car accident claims injuries, it is best to talk to your insurance as soon as possible. Your insurance company will then require that the victim's insurance company provides proof of injury. If it is found that the victim is injured, your insurance company will instruct you on the next course of action.

What are auto insurance claims?

Auto insurance claims are those matters for which you ask your insurance company to pay for something, because you were in an accident or your car was damaged. If two cars are involved, one company may file a claim against another.

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If this happened to me, I would find out what my insurance company can do and from there contact the police or file a civil or small claims suit. None, if the accident wasn't reported to the police.

Can you lose your no claims bonus if the insurance company knows you have an accident but don't claim?

If they know about the accident, there should be a claim involved so it could.

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This depaends on the fault of the accident. There is no way to tell the answere to this question as there are many factors involving this. Is this the 1st accident, state, insurance company.....

How do insurance companies know you had an accident?

1) Your insurance company receives your driving record from your DMV. If you are in an accident and it is reported to the police, they will add that accident to your driving record. 2) When you are in an auto accident, the insurance companies of everyone involved are notified when people submit claims.

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The best companies that pay out for road traffic accident claims vary depending on the kind of insurance that one has. However, the most common company that is used is Thompson Solicitors.

How does one file auto accident insurance claims?

After a car accident, one must immediately contact their insurance company to file an auto accident insurance claim, even when the other driver was at fault. Make sure to have all the other driver's insurance information so that the other company can thoroughly investigate.

Does an insurance company have to prove the date of an accident or disprove when you say it happened?

In most insurance claims, the burden of proof is on the claimant - in other words, YOU have to prove the accident occurred for them to pay off the claim.

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Prudential insurance is not a good and trusting company for cars, but they are ok for home owners insurance. For any other company would be better for you for car insurance.

Who can be contacted when auto accident claims are required?

When automobile accident claims are required, the individual's car insurance company should be contacted, in order to put the individual in contact with a claims adjuster or representative. Accident/regular claim adjusters will help the individual through the claims process and assess the value of the claim.

Will a no fault accident raise your insurance rates?

You need to check with your agent or policy services for you company. They can tell you their rules for accident/claims related rate increases.