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Q: Flexes forearm and pronates and supinates forearm?
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What extends the forearm?

Its the Triseps Branchii. Retard. That's the answer! no need to be a dick. and you're calling him a retard, while you can't spell triceps or brachii right. -kevied

What is the action of the pronator teres muscle?

pronates the forearm

What pronates the forearm?

Pronator quadratus and pronator teres

What muscle flexes the elbow and supinates the forearm?

to flex the forearm at the elbow, you use the biceps brachii, brachialis, and brachioradial (to a lesser extent).to supinate the forearm, you use the biceps brachii and the supinator muscles.the biceps brachii does both motions.

What muscles flex and extend the forearm?

Biceps Brachii flexes the forearm and the Triceps Brachii extends the forearm.

What movement does the pronator teres do when contracted?

The Pronator Teres muscle pronates the forearm at the radioulnar joint. It also provides flexion of the forearm at the elbow joint

What muscle of the arm and forearm weakly flexes hand?

Palmaris Longus

Which is the main muscle that flexes the forearm?

The biceps brachii is the prime flexor of the arm.

Which muscles contract when forearm is flexed at the elbow?

Both the tricep and the bicep are muscles which control rotational movement at the elbow. The bicep contracts when the forearm is flexed, and the tricep contracts when the forearm is extended.

Which muscle is the triceps paired with?

It is paired with the biceps brachii. The triceps extends the forearm and the biceps flexes it. ("making a muscle")

What is the action of the biceps brachii?

-Flexion of the Arm -Flexion of the Forearm-Supination of the Forearm-Stabilization of the glenohumeral joint

What muscles start with F?

Flexor digiti minimi brevis is a muscle that flexes the little finger. Frontalis is a facial muscle that wrinkles the eyebrow. FLexor pollicis brevis is a muscle that flexes the thumb.