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A protein shake will have no effect on your Birth Control pill. It's just food.

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Q: Does taking a protein shake stop the birth control pill from working?
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If he is taking female birth control pills forget him. They contain hormones and he is not taking them for birth control.

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Does stopping taking the pill mess up getting pregnant?

Taking the birth control pill lowers the risk of pregnancy. Not taking the birth control pill does not lower the risk of pregnancy. You are more likely to get pregnant when you are not taking the birth control pill.

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Birth control pills do not increase the risk of birth defects in babies conceived by women who are or were taking them.

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No, you should not be pregnant when taking birth control. Birth control is meant to lower the risk of pregnancy.

When will i start to notice improvement in acne from taking birth control?

it takes approximately 3 months for your body to get used to it ... its not working instantly but its worth it

Is there a chance of getting pregnant when taking birth control?

No method of birth control is 100% effective.

Should you eat before taking birth control pill?

Eating does not effect your birth control.

Will taking birth control cause miscarriage?

No it will not.