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No it does not kill bacteria as it is not antibiotic. It is used as antipyretic and analgesic for pain relief as in common cold headache and mild fever

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Q: Does paracetamol kill bacteria in the body?
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they help kill bad bacteria in your body

Can chemical reactions kill bacteria?

certain chemical reactions do kill bacteria for example when bacteria enters the body the stomach contains High concentrations of Hydrochloric acid which destroys the bacteria preventing further damage to the body.

Can taking too many paracetamol cause a lowering of the body temperature?

Yes, to room temperature. Taking too many paracetamol will kill your liver, which you need to live, hence the name.

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How do you kill the bad bacteria in your stomach?

Your body will sort this out naturally.

What temperature can bacteria rest in?

Depends on the bacteria, most bacteria in our body is ok at 98.6 degrees. so by the body elevating our temps with fever we try to kill the bacteria.

Does bacteria give off poisons that can damage or kill body cells?

Some forms of bacteria can be toxic to body cells, all right. There are many beneficial bacteria in your body, too, though.

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No it can not. This is a myth.

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Why is bacteria in storm water harmful?

Bacteria in storm water can definitely be considered harmful. This is because this bacteria is hard to kill and foreign to your body.

What type of medicines are given to kill infective bacteria inside the body?
