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Insulin is an enzyme produced by the pancreas that allows glucose to pass from the blood through the cell walls so that it can be used by the cells for energy. By assisting the removal of glucose from the blood, it (along with an enzyme called glucagon, produced by the liver) controls glucose levels in the blood.

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Q: Does insulin lower blood glucose level?
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Related questions

Why is insulin associated with the maintenance of blood glucose levels?

The pancreas releases insulin to lower the level of glucose in blood, and on the other hand, for the balance, it also secretes glucagon to elevate the level of glucose. Insulin is one half of the balance mechanism for glucose levels. Too much and too little glucose has damaging effects on the body and it's cells.

How do you measure the effectiveness of insulin therapy?

after testing blood glucose level to see if it's lower or high. If the blood glucose level is between 70-100mg/dl the therapy is effective.

What are the three main types of tissues that respond to insulin well and help lower blood glucose level?

the pancreas and liver..

Is it true that when blood glucose levels rise insulin is released by the gallbladder to lower the level?

no its not the gallbladder but the pancreas and in some diabetics this does not happen

What pancreatic hormone functions to lower blood glucose levels?


Which hormone lowers blood sugar levels by increasing the rate of entry glucose into the cell?

Insulin and glucagon are two hormones that lower the blood sugar level

How does insulin effect blood sugar and how does this relate to type 1 and type 2 diabetes?

Insulin is the chemical released from the pancreas (in non-Diabetics) to lower blood sugar whenever we eat. Type 1 Diabetics are insulin dependent (need to inject themselves with insulin to stay at a healthy blood sugar level) and Type 2 Diabetics who don't necessarily look after themselves well may need to become insulin dependent.

What is the body's response to insulin?

The purpose of the drug insulin is to lower the body's glucose level, which is too high or insulin would not be given. The glucose level must be checked constantly until it is down to acceptable number.

Blood sugar levels are lowered by?

It is lowered by insulin, which is produced in the beta cells of the pancreas in an area called the Islet of Langerhans. Blood glucose is also suppressed by somatostatin which is produced in the delta cells of the pancreas.

How are insulin and blood sugar related?

insulin helps transport the blood sugar into cells were sugar is needed. insulin is related to blood sugar cause insulin can lower blood sugar level.

What is the hormone secreted by the pancreas which lower the level of blood sugar?


Why is the secretion of insulin reduced in times of stress?

The hyperglycemia caused by stress would lead to an increased secretion of insulin, which would than lower blood glucose. As a consequence, the blood glucose would not be sustained to deal with continued stress.