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Q: Does a fly hit the windshield when a car stops suddenly?
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If a fly is flying inside of a car and the car is traveling at 55 miles per hour if the car should hit a tree does the fly hit the front windshield the back windshield or does it remain safe?

The fly would hit the front windsheild. Since the Fly is flying within the contained pocket of air, when the transporter of that pocket of air suddenly stops. The inertia of the air pocket continues until it stops. The fly would be a part of that pocket and would then continue forward until something breaks its momentum....I think.

Why wearing a seatbelt is important to Newton's 1st law?

because when the car is moving really fast then stops suddenly the seat belt locks. If the seat belt didn't lock, then you would fly forward.

When was Fly on a Windshield created?

Fly on a Windshield was created in 1974.

What is the fly wall part in a car?

The plate in the engine the stops it coming in to the cabin

When riding a horse the horse suddenly stops and you fly over its head Why does this happen in physics?

Because of inertia. Things that are moving likes to keep moving.

What happen if a fielder stops the fast moving ball suddenly?

the fielder would break down and the ball would fly into their face. the obviously too much chocolate silly fielder

What role do safety belts play?

Well if you mean seat belts in cars its so you won't fly through the windshield in a car crash.

Use newtons first law of motion to explain why air bags on cars are important during head-on collisions?

It would be better to use newtons second law to explain this but okay. well newtons 1st law states that an object in motion will stay in motion unless stopped by a force. So, if your in the car going 40 miles an hour and you suddenly stop the car without slowing down, the car stops but you don't and you would keep going in the same speed and direction without the airbags there or a seatbelt you would fly right through the windshield so the airbag protects you from the objects you would slam into in a car crash.

Why do passengers in a car fly forward when the car comes to a sudden stop?

When the car vis moving u are at the same pace with but a sudden brake stops the motion of the car but not yours An object in motion tends to stay in motion.

Why don't turkey fly?

Turkey can fly. My aunt actually had her windshield shattered by a flying turkey

Can you fly out the windshield in a crash?

yes if your not wearing a seat-belt