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No, as long as you have let your insurance company know they car is stolen.

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Q: Do you have to continue paying your insurance if your car is stolen?
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If your car was stolen and totaled can the bank list it as a repossession and make you continue to pay insurance on it?

IF the car was stolen, reported as stolen to the cops, the ins. should be paying the loan off. IF the ins. co. does not think the car is stolen, they wont pay and its as if the car was NOT stolen. So, you have to pay notes and insurance on the collateral. Bottom line??? HELP the ins. prove it was stolen and the problem will go away. MERRY CHRISTMAS.

If you sell your car should you continue paying insurance until you get another car?


What happens to the loan when the car is stolen?

The insurance should pay the loan (if your lucky it'll pay all of it) If there was no insurance then you still have to pay for the loan. I had a car stolen and I had to keep paying for it until the insurance finally paid it off and I was left with $50 in the end to get a new car with.

Should I continue paying car insurance if the car is totaled and have it removed from my policy?

If you plan on continuing the coverage on your new car then the answer is yes. If you don't get a new car then STOP!

Will the insurance company accept your claim on a vehicle that is stolen if your late on your car payments?

They will accept almost any claim, paying it is another matter.

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Have thiefth insurance car stolen insurance paid you for car who Owens the car?

i'd say the insurance company owns it

If your car is up for repo but is stolen before you return your car what happens?

When your car is 'stolen", you file a stolen car report with the cops. Then your INSURANCE will pay off the loan. The lender will deal with the insurance co. and alls well. You dont have a car, but no payments either. BTW, the insurance co. HAS to be sure its stolen or they wont pay the loan off.

If a car on finance is stolen and insurance pays out but then the car is recoverd what happens to the car?

It belongs to the insurance company

Can you get insurance after your car is stolen and it be covered?

If you try to get theft insurance after the car is stolen you will go to Jail! The insurance companies have no sense of humour about FRAUD! Penalty for Insurance Fraud in the U.S. is up to 20 years in prison.

Is the owners insurance liable in a Hit and run stolen car?

victim compensated in hit/run stolen car

Are you insured if your mot has run out and your car is stolen?

if you don't have an up to date MOT then your insurance is null and void. if your car is stolen then you are only covered if you have fully comp insurance!