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Q: Do the hemoglobin breaks down into urea in the intestines?
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Does hemoglobin breaks down into the urea in the intestines?

yes it does.

Urease hydrolyzes urea to form what?

Urease breaks down the compound urea into ammonia and carbon dioxide.


breaks down urea to produce ammonia, which neutralizes stomach acid in the immediate environment

Which diet is given in uraemia?

A low protein diet is usually prescribed for uremia, as protein breaks down into urea.

How does urea work?

The nitrogen found in urea is produced when the body breaks down proteins and amino acids and its liquid form is combined with ammonia and carbon dioxide to be used in fertilizers. The urea helps the soil to become water soluble and easy to mix fertilizer.

What is the organ that produces urea in our body?

The liver produces urea when it metabolises (breaks down) proteins. This is done in hepatocytes (liver cells). Amino acids are first broken down into ammonia, which is highly soluble and toxic in the blood plasma, so ammonia is joined with carbon dioxide to make urea, this is less soluble and less toxic but a build up of urea is toxic in the blood. Urea is then transported in the blood to be filtered out by the kidneys.

What organic constituents are normally found in the blood?

Its organic because it is in a living being and is considered living.

What are the parts of food the liver cannot break down and gets converted?

the parts of food that the liver can not break down are converted into bad fats

What does urine contain?

Urine is a mixture contained of fluids throughout your intestines and functioning bladder. these are water, keratin, urea, positive hydrogen...

Which one contain more urea hepatic vein or hepatic artery?

Vein. The vein has already passed the liver which breaks ammonia into urea.

Why does a starving person have a high concentration of urea in the blood?

When a person is starving, their body breaks down protein for energy, leading to an increase in urea production as a byproduct of protein metabolism. Urea is then released into the blood and its concentration rises due to the increased breakdown of proteins for energy in the absence of sufficient food intake.

What happens to amino acids inside the liver?

They are broken down into urea then carried via blood to the kidneys and the excreted as urine