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The majority have straight hair.

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Q: Do Hawaiian people have curly or straight hair?
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Do most Hawaiian girls have straight or wavy hair?

definitely wavy! thick and curly. trust me, im hawaiian and my hair is super curly and thickkk.

What does Dominican people hair look like?

Some of them have Spanish straight hair and so have curly hair I'm Dominican and I have a mix of curly and straight hair

Curly hair is recessive and straight hair is dominant A woman with curly hair marries a man who is homozygous dominant for straight hair. What are the outcomes for their children?

75% chance of having straight hair and 25 % chance having curly Alleles Curly (woman) Curly Straight Straight Straight (guy) Straight Straight Curly

Is curly or straight hair in these days?

Both really, it just depends. A lot of people straighten their hair if it is wavy or curly naturally, and a lot of people want curly hair...I personally think straight is in nowadays:

Is naturally curly hair prettier than straight hair?

It depends on what people like, but curly hair isbeautiful.

Can white people have kinky CURLY hair?

yes white people have curly hair too.white people have straight and curly hair.i'm white and i have curly dark brown hair.

Do most people have their hair straight or curly?

depending on where you are will determine if most people have straight or curly hair. For exampe, in most parts in Africa, people have curly, other parts like in libya, people will have straight hair. Another is in the carribean, most people there have naturally wavy and curly hair just like me. I would say that in the western hemisphere, people have naturally curly hair but may straighten it. in the eastern hemisphere, people mostly have naturally curly hair. its all on your observation. hope i answered your question. :) bye

Which is prettier curly hair or straight hair?

Well, If your hair is curly some people like a change but some people don't but like I was saying if your hair is curly some days when you have time you could straighten it or if your hair is straight some days when have time you could curl it.

What does the curly and straight hair gene control?

If you have straight hair of curly hair. I think straight haris is dominant.

Do lice prefer straight or curly hair?

curly because they can hide from people and strangers.

What is the nicest hair style?

hair stylescurling your hair can be nice for people that has straight hair or curling for those people that has straight hair. hair stylescurling your hair can be nice for people that has straight hair or curling for those people that has straight hair. or straightning for curly hair

Can hair change from straight to curly from medicine's?

Some times after chemotherapy. My hair came in curly, but it only lasted till my hair was cut the second time. My hair had always been straight before that. Some people will always have curly hair and some will go back to straight